
 Do you want to take a look at our fun activities in Spain?

We operate in two locations in Spain, Galicia and Aragon. We hike every summer together with Bbeabridge members. We have also started the course and activities that we call RekoRetreat click here

The idea is to create brotherhood and sisterhood with Spain and use the Spanish language, history and fun in the form of nature experiences and development in health and networking with more members.

When life is tough, it's important to stick together! That is our position when we work for platforms and meeting places for our members. It is important to meet if you and I want to become we...

We also have some places we visit in Aragon

We create retreats and Events

Our concept is simple: Regardless of why you want to come to Aragon, pay a fixed price (400 e or 400 dollar) is for 5-7 days with everything included.

What kind of weird concept is this? Bbeabridge is a non-profit organization that wants to do the World a service and create more and more conditions for the sake of Good vibbs. That's why we believe in doing things SIMPLE, a Membership SEK 100 per year. 

And you bring two things first you get to the location and second bring your health insurance. 

After that, there is a payment and you have accommodation, food and activities during the time you are in Aragon. In this way, no profit is driven in our organization, but on the other hand, all leaders and food and accommodation should be paid in good order.

You can watch a variety of videos and pictures on the RekoRetreat website.

You are welcome to come to us to Spain May to September 2024. Welcome!

Study and improve your Spanish

Improve your understanding of History of Aragon

Relax and Enjoy a Unique experience in "Real Spain".

History is everywhere, in the village we have well conserved areas from the romans and others.



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