"Open the Door to Your Inner Wisdom


"Open the Door to Your Inner Wisdom: A Mentorship Program for Self-Insight"

Have you ever experienced something mystical that affected you and your future in an unexpected way? Congratulations! It’s possible that you have been in contact with what is known as the creative imaginative mind. It is a moment when you, as a human being equipped with experience and knowledge, stand at the door of something greater than yourself.

This is what we talk about in our new mentorship program in the fall of 2024. This is not an ordinary course; it is aimed at those of you who realize that you have reached a reality you are not completely satisfied with. You know you have more potential, but you are unsure how to reach it.

Regardless of which religion you belong to, or if you have no religious belief at all, one fact remains: there is a force that governs the course of nature. Autumn is followed by winter, water follows gravity and flows downward, night turns into day. In a world that sometimes feels upside down, it is reassuring to know that the laws of nature still apply. But we humans can sometimes feel lost and unsure of what the right path is.

This opportunity is not created because a few individuals are perfect. Instead, it is based on the understanding that we, as a group of people, are stronger together. We support each other in a Mastermind group until May 2025.

During this time, we will read a book together and create space for collective reflection. We will also train our minds to develop the sixth sense and to grow as individuals.

Does this sound interesting? Of course, it has a cost. There are people who devote their time to translating materials and ensuring that participants have access to rich content in Swedish. But it’s up to you to decide how you want to participate and in what form you have the opportunity to be involved.

Send a request to info@hannikaoberg.com and write why you want to join. We will start our first meeting in October 2024, some in-person and others online.

Read more below:

The Thirteenth Principle:

The sixth sense is the gateway to wisdom, through which infinite intelligence can communicate voluntarily and spontaneously. This sense can only be understood, assimilated, and used when the first twelve principles have been acquired and integrated.

Through this subconscious, also known as the creative subconscious, information is transmitted via inspiration. It is here that ideas and plans can strike like lightning, as sudden insights. The sixth sense functions only when you have experience and understanding of the previous twelve principles. Through this sense, you can receive warnings about dangers before they occur, as well as notice and act on opportunities when they arise. Your guardian angel stands at the gate to the temple of wisdom, ready to guide you.

The author of this material does not believe in miracles per se, but in the natural laws of nature. Some of these laws may be so mysterious that they might seem miraculous. The sixth sense comes close to a miracle, but still follows natural principles.

There is a force, a primal call, an intelligence that permeates every atom and all the energy available to mankind. This force is so intelligent and harmonious that it governs everything perfectly. Through this philosophical principle, everything functions, has functioned, and will continue to function.

Step by step, participants in this course will be guided through the material and practical exercises to approach a deeper understanding of these principles. By bridging skepticism, we can transform fiction into reality. We learn to draw strength from our heroes, whether they are alive or have passed away.

In the course material, we look into personalities like Carl Jung, Napoleon Hill, and many others in personal development.

Each person can continue to believe in their own paths, and we do not delve into people’s choices of paths, whether they are grounded in holy books or teachings. We respect everyone's choices and paths.


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