
 Bbeabridge - Non profitable organization - 21122012-....
I am the one who started Bbeabridge. I can therefore tell you a lot about what has happened around us during the last ten years. However, a picture speaks more than a thousand words. Further down the page, you can look at our portfolio if you wish. We build bridges and inspire more meetings through our events and by creating platforms. In 2024, we are also raising opportunities in other countries. 

We believe in brotherhood and sisterhood between people. Give more wings by "Together we are strong". Feel free to visit our blog if you wish, click here or on our website a little further down this page.

Bbeabridge Blog press here

Become a member now! Press herePress here

We started in 20211221 until today and have a ten-year portfolio. Press here! Now in 2024, we are going one step further and preparing the way for brotherhood, sisterhood in the rest of the world. We are updating our website to more languages.
After our main Role model Dagny Carlsson passed out of time, we turned and looked back. Now in 2022, we are raising Saint Birgitta. Our videographers Finn Lycoberg and Hannika Öberg went up to Santiago and start filming. Three films were created. Here you can see one film about St. Birgitta click here


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